Friday, April 01, 2005

Vowell Movement

She looked like it was a necessary evile decended upon her by the publishing powers that be, but the dry wit shon through and was a fun 20 minutes listening to Sarah Vowell reading herself at Astor Place. "My life is so much boring now that I'm a writer". Yeah, I bet....

A few minidiscs clattered out from under an electronic stone last night which has led to the resurfacing of the Birdw0rks Radio Show - a faux slice of madness & music from across the years mixed together with a tin cup and a pair of waders last year. Definitely a product of spending too many late nights listening to Blue Jam in the dark, but I have a particular fondness for the product. There are a couple more, slightly less deranged, lurking in the recent pseduobirdsdeejay archies n'all...


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