Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Fretless, indeed.

A week or two dumping my mind onto digital music tracks, stretching that musical muscle intensively again, coupled with a photo binge stimulated by the blossoming flickrthang (see below) has left me somewhat spent. I've spent wayyy too long overlaying, bouncing, tweaking, mixing, and trying to mold the rough clay into song. As often happens, you're spat out the other end like so much moosakical flotsum. Wrung out and a tad hollow. And, the worst part, totally unconvinced that the effort has produced anything that either says anything or moves anyone anywhere. Time away always heals that rift to some degree; how much only recovery will tell. For anyone interested, drafts of but some of the new sound are here and here. I warn you though...(The few of you that sent me positive words about these samples are much lovedd - you know who you are.)

Working life gets in the way, as ever. But means-to-an-end means-to-an-end means-to-an-end: the usual mantra. Fnucknuttery doesn't help though, does it?

birdw0rks related: Bunchofpants, gawdblesser, a flickrette of the highest order had planned on playing That Daft Song tonight on air on her Duke college radio station show. I had to feel for her. Having tuned in, RIGHT at the right moment, as it happened, the poor woman sounded to be on the edge of tears as technical beasties were ruining her day. so, if you know her, send her M&Ms, send her tulips, anything, 'cus she had a rough hour or so there by the sound of it.

The Flickr addiction has definitely kicked in . I'm not one for spending long on any web community sites really, but Flickrland is definitely a different beast. Made, essentially by the varied and creative and lively people inhabiting it's landscape. Most splendid overall, and a real steep learning curve in terms of improving my limited photography skills. Four Flickrheads need special mention: Tomohawk's Kid, who I've defintely got shared musical grounding with aswell as visual tastes; the warped sisters: Emdot and Awfulsara, both of which are as absolutely soulmate as it gets based on the limited data cyber interaction allows (and bizarrely, both living in the same street in CA - unbeknownst to me until v. recently), and ArtAsciiPaul, a mad Brit who does the same bitter-and-twisted-with-humour that my genes force me into. Looking at any of those 4's images online will never disappoint and always amuse, but its the personalities that keep you going back. And there are many more faves, of course.


Blogger emdot said...

different streets, but a block away. :)

1:40 AM  
Blogger Lisa B. said...

I really was close to tears! But your jingle made it all better! (I'm blogging this ...)

12:27 PM  
Blogger Gail at Large said...

I'm addicted to Flickr, too. It's like visual crack. So mesmerising...

10:00 AM  

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